Thursday, 19 September 2013

Pressure also to immediately stop the massacre!

A statement by the Syrian Democratic Forum

September 18, 2013

The tyrannical regime has pushed the Syrian people’s problem into the fray of the regional and international conflicts, in order to avoid meeting the people’s demands for freedom, dignity and social justice. After its inability to win over our people, the regime has implicated its own paramilitary militias and the Syrian army, which has used all kinds of heavy weaponry in this conflict. Finally, the regime has committed massacres using chemical weapons, provoking the international community and putting the country at risk of devastating foreign military strike. However, it has unwillingly accepted to surrender its chemical weapons, after United States and Russia have reached an agreement on this matter. Indeed, this acceptance represents the first real concession from the regime since the Syrian revolution has started.

The Syrian Democratic Forum takes into account the American-Russian agreement signed in Geneva on September 14, which has spared Syria a war; no one knows how this war would have ended or how many casualties it would have resulted in. However, the Forum calls for continued pressure on the Syrian authority to ceasefire immediately and put an end to the massacres that it has been committing every day.

Indeed, it makes little sense to stop the regime from using the chemical weapons while remaining silent on its continued killings using various other types of weapons. It makes no sense to send the international teams for the purpose of chemical weapons disarmament while the domestic war, lawlessness and provocations, are being carried out by the militias from both sides, the regime and the extremist groups.

It is imperative to reach a cease-fire and to engage immediately in negotiations based on the international agreements laid out in the Geneva-1 communiqué and founded on the Syrian national consensus outlined in the National Covenant and Transitional Phase documents, generally known as the Cairo documents.

The tyrannical authority shall not win in its battle against the Syrian people, neither militarily nor in negotiation.

Long live the revolution of freedom and dignity.

The Syrian Democratic Forum

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